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How to Use Credit Insights

Understanding how to use and interpret credit insights in the Inscribe web app.

Daragh McMeel avatar
Written by Daragh McMeel
Updated over a week ago

To get started, you’ll need to create a customer

Click the “New” button on the Customers tab and select the “New Customer” option.

Then, upload your documents

When prompted, add the relevant documents for your customer and click “Create”.

Ensure you’re uploading supported doc types, including:

  • Bank statements

  • Pay stubs

If you need to upload additional documents once you’ve created your user, navigate to the customer’s Documents tab and click “Upload”.

If you need to delete any documents you have uploaded, you can click on the document menu icon and click “Delete”.

Note: While you can’t upload Plaid data via the web app, you can create a customer and upload Plaid data via the API. Once this has been done, you will be able to see your customer’s Plaid data and corresponding insights in the web app. However, the documents screen will remain empty.

Step 2: Inscribe checks for fraud and generates Credit Insights

Next, Inscribe will automatically check for fraud and provide a Trust Score for any documents uploaded

Inscribe checks every document for fraud and assigns a Trust Score based on what’s found. The Trust Score is a measure of how much Inscribe trusts a document. It exists on a scale from 0 to 100, where fraudulent documents will receive a low score and legitimate documents will receive a high score. Learn more about the Trust Score.

Step 3: Review your credit insights results

Inscribe will also provide a Confidence Score along with the insights

The Credit Insights Confidence Score indicates how confident Inscribe is in the accuracy of the outputs. The score is calculated based on the following factors:

  • Whether the documents relating to the customer have been parsed correctly.

  • The accuracy of the transaction categorization.

Regardless of the Confidence Score, Inscribe will always show the credit insights results. You will see if the customer’s Confidence Score is high or low at the top of the Credit Insights tab.

In order to see more information about the Confidence Score, you can click on the green button. You’ll see the sidebar pop-out with more details about how the Confidence Score is calculated and what causes a high vs. low score.

Step 4: Interpreting credit insights results

We will return insights across income, loans, expenditure, cash flow, and risk for business and consumer applicants.

Business underwriting example

For your business underwriting workflow, you can easily see if a business has outstanding loans and what their total loan repayments are for example.

Consumer underwriting example

For your consumer underwriting workflow, you can quickly spot risky transactions like the number of non-sufficient funds or gambling spend for example.

Dashboard overview

Daily Balance graph

The first thing you will see on the Credit Insights screen is the Daily Balance Graph. The initial view shows the daily balances for every account uploaded.

You can use the drop-down in the top right corner to see the aggregate daily balance across all accounts as well as the individual, maximum AND minimum balances of each individual account that has been uploaded.

Business Income

On the main Credit Insights page, you will see a “View” button within the Business Income Insights card. By clicking on this button you will navigate to the granular Business Income Insights page.

On this page, you will first see revenue broken down by month and by quarter (use the dropdown in the graph to toggle between the two views).

Below the monthly/quarterly graph, you will see the income sources by sub-category and payer (merchant).

You can use the toggle to switch between the two views.

You can also see all the transactions we have categorized as revenue on this screen.

Loan insights

On the main Credit Insights page, you will see a “View” button within the Loan Insights card. By clicking on this button, you will navigate to the granular Loan Insights page.

On this page, you will first be able to see loan repayments broken down by month and by quarter (use the dropdown in the graph to toggle between the two views).

Below the monthly / quarterly graph, you will see the loan repayments & disbursements by sub-category and by lender.

You can use the toggle to switch between the two views.

You can also use this screen to see a breakdown of all transactions we have categorized as loan repayments and loan income.

Empty insights

Only some insights will be available for some customers as their documents may not contain the transactions needed to generate the insight. In these cases, you will still see the insight cards; however, the fields will be empty.

Salary vs. revenue

  • For customers who have uploaded personal bank statements/pay stubs, we will return Personal Income.

  • For customers who have uploaded business bank statements, we will return Revenue.

  • We will return Personal Income and Revenue for customers who have uploaded personal and business bank statements.

Revenue calculation

For business accounts, Inscribe calculates revenue. We exclude the following incoming transaction categories from our revenue calculations:

  • Interest payments

  • Refunds

  • Internal transfers

  • Loan income

Gross vs. net

Personal Income

  • When Inscribe receives bank statements, we will return net income.

  • When Inscribe receives pay stubs, we will return net and gross income.


Inscribe will only return gross revenue.

Period vs. annual

Period = total personal income/revenue calculated for the date range of the documents that have been uploaded for a customer.

Annual = We estimate a customer’s personal income/revenue by dividing the period income/revenue by the number of days in the period and multiplying that number by 365.

Transaction categories

Transaction categorization is a set of categories we apply to bank statements and Plaid transactions. NB these categories do not work for transactions listed on pay stubs.

As we don’t have categories that cover every single type of transaction, a number of transactions will be returned without a category.

Transaction recategorization

In some instances, you may feel that a different category matches a transaction to the one that has automatically been applied by Inscribe’s categorization engine. In these cases, you can use the recategorization function to change the category of the relevant transaction or multiple transactions using the checkbox in the left-hand column. Any customer-level insights relating to that transaction will automatically update once the category has been changed.

Reporting issues/errors

If you encounter any issues while using credit insights, please reach out via our shared Slack channel and tag Alice Gregson.

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