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Trust Score

Understand the trust score of a document

Daragh McMeel avatar
Written by Daragh McMeel
Updated over a week ago

The trust score is a measure of how much Inscribe trusts a document. It exists on a scale from 0 to 100, where fraudulent documents will receive a low score and legitimate documents will receive a high score. Documents that lie in the middle are usually quite unfamiliar, or do not have strong signals determining their fraudulence or legitimacy.

The score has been calculated individually for each document, taking into account a wide range of fraud signals, document attributes and comparisons with other similar documents.

The output of this score can be used to make an informed decision about whether a document should be accepted, rejected or whether further investigation is required. Checks can then be implemented with auto-accept and auto-reject thresholds, based on the spread and risk profile of an organisation.

You can see the trust score spread across your documents in the Dashboard page. By highlighting ranges of the graph you can see summary statistics about that range, split up by whether the documents are fraudulent or legitimate. This can be helpful in deciding appropriate auto-accept and auto-reject thresholds.

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