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Learn how to manage multiple use cases with Workspaces

Daragh McMeel avatar
Written by Daragh McMeel
Updated over a week ago

What is a Workspace

A Workspace is a standalone Inscribe environment. Whenever you perform an action within the Inscribe app β€” whether to upload a document, invite a team mate, create an API credential, or modify a setting β€” you do so within the context of a Workspace. Associating multiple Workspaces with your Inscribe login allows you to manage multiple use cases safely and securely.

When to create a new Workspace

  1. If you're managing multiple teams that need access to Inscribe.
    By provisioning a Workspace for each team, you can ensure that no team can view any other team's documents, while retaining visibility on all teams through a single login.

  2. If you want to set up an Inscribe integration without interfering with ongoing usage.
    By creating a new Workspace, you can ensure that your engineering team can safely test their integration during set up without any access to sensitive data, and without any impact on your other teams using Inscribe.

Switching Workspaces

You can switch your active Workspace by clicking on the Workspace option at the bottom of your nav bar.

Note that switching Workspace will refresh all open Inscribe tabs to reflect the new active Workspace.

Creating a new Workspace

Workspaces are available to customers who have purchased the Scale plan. In order to determine your active plan, please contact your Customer Success Representative.

You must have admin permissions to create a new Workspace. You can see your permission level at your Team page.

If you have sufficient permissions to create a new Workspace, you can create a new Workspace by clicking on the Workspace option as shown above in the Switching Workspaces section. Note that creating a new Workspace cannot be undone. When choosing a name for your Workspace, you should ensure that the name of your company is included, for example "Acme Risk Team".

After creating a new Workspace, you will initially be the only member. You can invite team members to your new Workspace from the Team page.

Workspaces and SAML

Depending on the security settings specified by your company, some of your Workspaces may require SAML authentication to access. If your most recent login was performed without using SAML, and you switch to a Workspace that requires SAML authentication, you will need to complete SAML authentication to successfully switch Workspace.

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