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Collect Submission Insights
Daragh McMeel avatar
Written by Daragh McMeel
Updated over a week ago

What are submission insights?

Submission insights are part of Inscribe’s Collect feature, which provides an easy and secure way for your customers to share documents with you. Submission Insights are a new addition to Collect that allow you to gather information about the geolocation, device and browser of the user submitting documents to you. You may find this helpful for spotting discrepancies in the user's profile (e.g. document address is California, uploaded from Italy) or for feeding into other risk systems you use.

Are submission insights available to me?

This feature is currently in beta. This means that a select few customers are currently trialing it before it’s widely available.

If you are already using Collect, you can join the wait list for a free trial of this feature.

If you are not currently using Collect, we’d also love to arrange a beta trial for all Collect features, including submission insights!

In either case, please contact your Customer Success Manager who can arrange this for you and talk through what a beta trial would look like.

What can submission insights tell me?

We provide the following data points within the submission insights payload:

  • IP Address

  • IP location details

  • Browser name and version

  • Operating system and version

  • Device type

Note: we DO NOT guarantee that all details will be available for every document, as they cannot always be determined.

Where can I see a document's submission insights?

Submission insights form part of the Retrieve A Document API response, so you can find it by looking at the API response view in the web app.

Please consult the API documentation you were given as part of your beta onboarding for details about how to integrate submission insights via API.

I'm looking at a document where the submission insights are empty? What's the problem?

There are a few reasons why this might be the case.

  1. You do not have this feature enabled in your account (in which case you would not see it for any documents)

  2. A technical error meant that we could not capture submission insights on one particular document - this is rar

  3. The user has software which blocks us from collecting insights - this is also rare, but becoming more common as ad/ cookie blockers become more sophisticated. We will continue to monitor and update this feature as required.

In any event, please contact your CSM for more support!

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